Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor

Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor

Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor is a liquid, film-forming inhibitor. Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor is a blend of organic and inorganic inhibitors. It contains no chromates and is completely soluble in seawater. It forms a tightly bonded protective film on metal surfaces, which reduces pitting and general corrosion. The film is easily maintained and can be quickly reinforced by subsequent additions of treatment where a decline in continuing effectiveness is detected.
Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor provides economical means of corrosion inhibition in ballast tanks, bilges, voids, cofferdams and barges. It will also provide effective inhibition of sulphate and carbonate scales. Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor can be used where sacrificial anodes are in use. Treatment with Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor can be expected to improve the effectiveness of the cathodic protection by enlarging the area protected and to extend the life of the anodes.

The cost of the treatment is offset by the reduced costs of anode replacement.

Effective for use in ballast tanks, cofferdams, barges and voids
Forms tightly bonded protective film on all metal surfaces below water level
Protective film is stable over a wide pH and temperature range
Ideally suited for ballast and other tank protection during ship lay-up periods.

Can be fed neat from the drum. Feeding equipment for the concentrated product should
be of stainless steel or plastic. Ideally the product is best fed continuously to the water
used to fill the tank or system. Where the system to be treated is already full and draining
and refilling is impractical, distribution of the Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor treatment in an open vessel can be achieved by air-agitation or pump circulation.
Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor is recommended for systems in which dissolved oxygen is present and the use of air to encourage mixing will not impair corrosion protection.

The recommended initial dosage of Aquamarine Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor is 1% (10 Ltr. per tonne of fresh seawater/ballast water). Where there is large amounts of accumulated microbial growth this should ideally be cleaned out first, or treated using Biological Growth Controller or alternatively the tank can be treated with Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor @ 6% or 60 litres per tonne of ballast water. Where the ballast tank is uncoated and dry Aquasteel may be used to pre-treat the ballast tank.

25 Litre Drum – NSN J150-6850-99-839-8342
Product Ref. 0016