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Potable Water Safety Plans

Shipsan for the best in fresh water maintenance systems  Online Drinking Water Safety Plans made easy.


Water Safety Plan

Water Safety Plan (need one now

Every ship is required to have a Water Safety Plan under M.L.C. 2006 as well as on-board testing.

Our Water Safety Plans are designed to your specific systems, needs and circumstances.

glass waterShipsan plan is quick and easy to implement, it will identify your systems on board and identify what testing is required, where it is required and the frequency.

We provide all that is required on board for your water management and can offer a package to suit your needs. We do not over-specify your testing requirements and our user-friendly system enables you to have peace of mind in terms of compliance with legislation, quality water for your crew and maximum reduction in the risk of on-board pathogens including legionnaires’ disease.

Call us now for more information: 01684 290077 or email, or go direct to our Water Safety Plan Questionaire